Everything You Need to Know About Beer

Boasting a culture and heritage at least as rich and varied as wine or spirits, beer is no longer seen as merely a crude intoxicant knocked back on a Friday night to help blot out the everyday. It has become not only something you drink, but something you taste, appreciate, cook with, brew yourself and celebrate! In the absence of a single UK beer information resource, BeerExpert has been brewed up by a team of aficionados with the aim of aiding navigation through the heady waters of the beer world.

Introduction to Altbier

Harking back to a time before pale lagers swamped the German brewing industry, Altbier is one of only a handful of traditional Germanic ales that remain. The Lager Threat The arrival of the new pale lager style beer in the 1800s marked a major shift in German brewing culture. As …

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Introduction to Bock Beer

A strong malty bottom-fermented lager, the bock beer provides some sweet seasonal cheer when the weather turns sour. Respite From the Gloom During the long harsh German winters light lager offers limited respite from the biting gloom and so brewers have long since decided that beers that offer more in …

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Microbreweries: Saviour of British Pub Culture?

With a remarkable rise defying the decline of the brewing industry, are microbreweries the saviour of British pub culture? Bucking the Downward Trend Declining beer sales and week-on-week closure of UK pubs has led many to predict the imminent demise of one of Britain’s beloved historical and social institutions, its …

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The Reason Mass Market US Beer is Tasteless

The USA may pride itself on its beer drinking culture but it is poor quality ‘wet air’ beers that dominate. So why do the vast majority of Americans favour flavourless beer? The Lingering Stereotype Any US beer aficionado would enthusiastically point to the country’s thriving microbrewery culture as evidence that …

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How a Czech Beer Became the all American Budweiser

The ‘King of Beers’ may be an all American icon but in truth Budweiser is a Czech beer brewed American style. All American Beer? When the US brewing monolith, and home to Budweiser, Anheuser-Busch was bought by Belgium-based Belgian-Brazilian corporation InBev in 2008, a nation mourned the loss of an …

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Craft Brewing Revolution in the USA

Craft beer, namely beer that is brewed traditionally and with a taste for distinctive flavours and styles rather than mass appeal, is enjoying a major renaissance in the USA. Out of Darkness Came Light When a handful of brewing behemoths effectively took over the beer industry during the decades following …

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How Does Non Pasteurised Beer Differ?

Certain beers use their non pasteurised status as a selling point, but how does non pasteurised beer differ and why is it more appealing to the beer connoisseur? Louis Pasteur’s Legacy The triumphant endeavours of French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur in demonstrating that micro-organisms were responsible for souring wine …

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What is Cask Conditioned Beer?

Cask-conditioned beer is the choice of the drinker who likes their beer ‘real’, but what is it exactly and how does it differ from conventionally conditioned beer. The New Beer Standard Whereas for centuries cask-conditioned beer was the norm, it is now a speciality type. This traditional method of keeping …

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The Revival of Real Ale in Uk

A national drink that has long been derided and forsaken in favour of gassy, bland mass-produced lager is being embraced once again. Are we witnessing the rebirth of real ale in the UK? The Death of the Real Ale Stereotype The stereotype of the ale drinker as a middle-aged man …

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Which Are the Big Brewing Corporations?

What do Boddingtons, Staropramen, Budweiser and Stella Artois all have in common besides being very popular beers? All are owned by colossal multi-national brewing corporations – but who are these beer behemoths? Is My Beer for Real? When you sup a beer many different aspects are absorbed other than simply …

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Beer Expert